Saturday, February 18, 2012

Basketball is a stupid sport

The clip below clearly demonstrates why basketball is a stupid sport (let's say, as compared to ice hockey)

The hoop
a)  Except for the earth rotating and orbiting around the sun, the target (the hoop) in is always in the same place all the time - the x, y and z axes.  From side to side, up and down, front and back, it's always in the same place.  Concerning the front and back axis, you even get a backboard in which you can make a bankshot which makes it even easier.  Basketball players can shoot hoops; what's the big deal in hitting a predictable, single, static target that's always in the same place?
- in hockey, there's a goaltender.  Granted that the hockey net is bigger than the hoop, the goalie cannot cover the entire net, and although there are multiple targets to shoot at, those targets are always moving.  At one moment the goalie will cover one part of the net preventing a shot from getting through and leaving another target open.  But then a moment later (a moment meaning one second) the goalie will cover that target and leave another part of the net open.  Depending on the angle from where the shooter is, there may not be any targets available thereby forcing the shooter to move or pass.  In hockey there are multiple targets unpredictably changing where they are on the x and y axes.

Foul shots
b)  See point a)
- in hockey the equivalent is the penalty shot.  It's unpredictable and exciting.  It's a rare occurrence and it usually actually matters to the outcome of the game if the player is able to score a goal or not (in contrast to point e))

Lame defence
c)  In basketball, the defence is impotent.  We can see it in the clip.  The defender was set up right in front of the shooter- there was no better position in which to be in.  But all the defender could do is feebly wave his arms and jump up- and feebly wave his arms.  With any luck, maybe he could touch the ball as the shooter shoots ruining the shooter's intended trajectory of the ball towards the static hoop.  Even when the offence is on the move and is dribbling the ball (having to dribble the ball is in itself stupid), the defender has little chance of getting the ball without "fouling" the opposing player.  The only way the defence can get the ball is if the offence makes a mistake (ie loses control of the ball when dribbling) or after they shoot it.

Clock running
d)  Related to point c), the offence can just hang onto the ball and run the clock.  Having a 24 second shot clock rule just proves the point that the defence is impotent.
- in hockey the defence can strip the the player of the puck.  The defender can get right in the offence's space and go get the puck.  The offence needs skill and determination for his team to keep possession of the puck (by either fending off the defender, skating away or passing it off to a teammate).  There's no need for a shot clock because all players are in danger of losing possession of the puck at any time.

...Contrast this with the basketball player.  There were six seconds left in the game and all the basketball player had to do was just stand there to keep possession.  The defender couldn't do anything to get the ball.  The offence then just ran the clock and then took a shot at a single, unmoving target to win the game.

Easy to score points
e)  Average basketball games have scoreboards that go from 80 points to over a 100 points per game... per team!  This means each team is making 40 to 50 baskets per game.  So a player scores a basket.  How can you get excited over this when there'll probably be 40 to 50 more baskets for your team by the time the game ends?
- for the highlight reel for the evening news, for hockey you know what the feature.  You feature the goals scored.  And for a goal to be scored in hockey there're a lot of spectacular moves and skill involved.  For basketball, what do you choose for the highlight reel?  The baskets scored?  Which ones of the 40 or 50 do you show?  Because they happen so often, how the baskets are scored is so mundane.  So you choose the ones that might look cool or have some flash and then try to make excitable commentary about them.

Basketball is boring and just a sweaty ballet.


  1. omg this is so true , you put it in such good wording too, just proving how bad it is, my biggest paiin in the ass is defence, all these black people just run at you like they dont see you and ur an invisible wall, then they call foul cus u were in their way? wtf? are you kidding me? this is why i was forced to get good at stealing the ball the idiots still whine, so i tell them their sport is supid

  2. Thank you for your input. I encourage you to tell people that basketball is stupid with the reasons set forth.

  3. You suck. Basketball rules

  4. No freaking life all you do is buy $250 shoes that "make you jump higher" and throw a ball around with 50 baskets a game per team. And this is the stupidest thing, you shoot and just hold your arm there like "ohh look at me ohh balllin". Freaking stupidest sport in hockey or baseball they score 1-5 times and they have NONE of that stupid i shot it in now time to make 40 more crap. So that proves how retarded it is

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