Friday, July 6, 2012

The Eagle (2011, directed by Kevin Macdonald)

- so the Commander's plan to save his patrol from being killed was to walk out of the fort with a platoon of legionaires, form a turtle, fight off the barbarians, rescue his patrol by forming a circle around them and then walk back to the fort?  Even if that did succeed in getting some of the patrol rescued, you'd probably lose just as many, or more men in the effort to save them.  The cost/benefit analysis shows negative and such a lame attempt should not have been made.
- in continuing with this... didn't the Romans have bows & arrows? (they clearly did in Gladiator if that's any indication)  Shouldn't there be some archers covering the turtle's advance and soften up the enemy?

- while looking for clues as to the whereabouts of the eagle, Marcus and Esca are riding their horses through the highlands minding their own business when suddenly they're attacked!  They're able to overpower their attacker and then they find out the attacker is a legionaire from the lost legion.  And so the legionaire doesn't want to get involved or give out much information.  He has a life in Scotland now with presumably a wife and two kids.  So why did the legionaire attack Marcus and Esca in the first place?  Why didn't he just hide or stay home?

- so when the painted Scottish people finally catch up to Marcus and Esca, the leader of the painted people show Marcus and Esca what happens to betrayers.  The leader drags the young boy that Esca talked to back at the village when they first left to escape.  The leader kills the young boy.  So the painted people have chased Marcus and Esca for a couple of days on foot.  Hardly any sleep (if any at all), hardly any food (if any)... and I'm supposed to believe that the young boy traveled with them all throughout the chase?  Not bloody likely.  The boy would not have been able to keep up.

- after the fight with the painted people they make a funeral pyre and burn the body of the fallen legionaire.  Where did they get any dry wood to make the pyre.  It rained throughout the entire last act of the movie.

- why does the music score sound like Scottish music?  I realize that the story takes place in Northern Britain aka present-day Scotland, but aren't the Scottish the bad guys in this movie?  Sure you have Scottish music when the painted people are on the screen to queue the audience, but why do other parts sound Scottish.  The music at the end credits goes into a jig.  The score should sound Roman to highlight the Roman hero of this movie.

It was an OK movie but I wouldn't pay money to see it.

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